2021 Roundtable Keynotes

Edgar and Peter Schein
Marie-Elizabeth Ramas
Erik Hollnagel, PhD
Join us for our exciting lineup of Keynotes at this year’s Roundtable – 
Schein, PhD

Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus and Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Sloan School of Management, USA

Dr. Schein taught at MIT until 2005 and has published extensively – his books include Humble Inquiry (2013), which explores why helping is so difficult in western culture, Humble Consulting (2016), which revises the whole model of how to consult and coach and his book written with his son Peter, Humble Leadership (2018), which challenges current theories of leadership and management.

Dr. Schein continues to consult with local and international organizations on organizational culture and career development issues, with special emphasis on safety and quality in health care, 

He is the 2009 recipient of the Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Award of the Academy of Management, the 2012 recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association, the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award in Organization Development from the International OD Network.

Schein, MBA

Strategy consultant in
Silicon Valley, USA

Peter provides help to start-ups and expansion-phase technology companies. His expertise draws on over twenty years of industry experience in marketing and corporate development at technology pioneers including Pacific Bell, Apple, Silicon Graphics , and Sun Microsystems. 

Through these experiences developing new strategies organically and merging smaller entities into a large company, Peter developed a keen focus on the underlying organizational culture challenges that growth engenders in innovation-driven enterprises.

Peter was educated at Stanford University (BA Social Anthropology, Honors and Distinction) and Northwestern University (Kellogg MBA, Marketing and Information Management, Top Student in Information Management), and the USC Marshall School of Business Center For Effective Organizations (HCEO Certificate, 2017).c

Ramas, MD, FAAP

Family physician, health equity advocate and wellness expert, USA

Dr. Ramas is a physician practicing family medicine with obstetrics in both rural and urban settings and is dedicated to providing high quality, comprehensive primary care that focuses on individual well-being. She is an avid advocate for high quality, affordable care for all and she focuses on empowering patients to achieve their best health by helping to break down barriers to optimal wellness for communities. 

Dr. Ramas has held multiple leadership positions of medical specialty associations and her work focuses on advocacy at the local, state and national level, to address the inequities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide primary care for people who suffer with substance use disorder as medical director of Gatehouse Treatment Center. She is the convener of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Conference of Constituency Leaders and has recently published “Innovative wellness models to support advancement and retention among women physicians” (Ramas, M.E., et al., Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, September 2021).

Hollnagel, PhD

Senior Professor
Patient Safety
University of Jönköping, SWEDEN

Dr. Hollnagel is also Scientific Director at the Institute of Resilient Systems (Seoul, South Korea), Visiting Professorial Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), Visiting Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study of the Technische Universitat München (Germany), and Professor Emeritus at the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) at Linköping University (LIU), Sweden.

Dr. Hollnagel’s work focuses on systems, safety, and resilience and draws upon his extensive research and experience around the world and in various sectors, from aerospace and aviation to health care.

His recent books include Advancing Resilient Performance (2021), 
Resilient Health Care: Muddling Through with Purpose (2021), and Working Across Boundaries: Resilient Health Care (2019).